
Showing posts from April, 2023
                          FASTING IN ISLAM, A NEW PERSPECTIVE. Image:Pixabay   Fasting is a practice that has been present in almost  all major religions worldwide. Since ancient times people desirous of attaining higher spiritual status practiced it. Especially in Buddhism and Hinduism, Monks and Rishis have fasted to improve their concentration by keeping their bodies hungry, staying away from the hustle and bustle of routine life, and staying close to nature in the forests and caves. They still have a fasting routine followed with some exceptions, like having a grainless meal once a day. Hindus associate the fasting day with different stages of the Moon along its cycle.    If we look at the Abrahamic religions, all three have a tradition of fasting with some variance. Jews fasted on all significant days of achievements or depression in the time of Moses and after him. These days they fast on their new year's day, Rosh-Hashanah, and keep on fasting for ten days till Yom-Kippur, w